Source code for flax.linen.module

# Copyright 2024 The Flax Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Flax Module."""

import contextlib
import dataclasses
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import sys
import threading
import typing
import weakref
from types import MappingProxyType
from typing import (

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import typing_extensions as tpe

import flax
import flax.linen as nn
from flax import (
from flax.core import Scope, meta, partial_eval
from flax.core.frozen_dict import FrozenDict
from flax.core.scope import (
from flax.ids import FlaxId, uuid
from flax.linen import kw_only_dataclasses
from flax.typing import (


T = TypeVar('T')
K = TypeVar('K')
M = TypeVar('M', bound='Module')
_CallableT = TypeVar('_CallableT', bound=Callable)

# Used for abstractly testing module behavior.
TestScope = type(
  {'make_rng': lambda self, name: jax.random.key(0)},

# pylint: disable=protected-access,attribute-defined-outside-init
def _get_fn_name(fn):
  if isinstance(fn, functools.partial):
    return _get_fn_name(fn.func)
  return getattr(fn, '__name__', 'unnamed_function')

def _indent(x: str, num_spaces: int):
  indent_str = ' ' * num_spaces
  lines = x.split('\n')
  # skip last line because it is always empty and should not be indented.
  assert not lines[-1]
  return '\n'.join(indent_str + line for line in lines[:-1]) + '\n'

def _attr_repr(value: Any):
  if callable(value) and (
    (isinstance(value, nn.Module) and value.__dict__.get('__name__', None))
    or (not isinstance(value, nn.Module) and getattr(value, '__name__', None))
    value_rep = value.__name__
    value_rep = repr(value)
  return value_rep

def _module_repr(module: 'Module', num_spaces: int = 4):
  """Returns a pretty printed representation of the module."""
  cls = type(module)
  cls_name = cls.__name__
  rep = ''

  attributes = { f.type
    for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)
    if not in ('parent', 'name') and f.repr
  child_modules = {
    k: v
    for k, v in module._state.children.items()  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
    if isinstance(v, Module)
  if attributes:
    rep += '# attributes\n'
    for attr in attributes.keys():
      # TODO(jheek): can we get a nice string representation of attribute types?
      value = module.__dict__.get(attr, None)
      value_rep = _attr_repr(value)
      rep += f'{attr} = {value_rep}\n'
  if child_modules:
    rep += '# children\n'
    for name, child in child_modules.items():
      child_rep = _module_repr(child, num_spaces)
      rep += f'{name} = {child_rep}\n'
  if rep:
    return f'{cls_name}(\n{_indent(rep, num_spaces)})'
    return f'{cls_name}()'

# Tabulation utilities.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _CallInfo:
  index: int
  path: Tuple[str, ...]
  module: 'Module'
  rngs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[core.scope.PRNGKey, core.scope.LazyRng]]]
  mutable: bool
  method: str
  args: Tuple[Any, ...]
  kwargs: Dict[str, Any]
  outputs: Any

class _CallInfoContext(threading.local):
  index: int
  calls: List[_CallInfo]

  def get_call_index(self) -> int:
    index = self.index
    self.index += 1
    return index

def _tabulate_context():
  _context.call_info_stack.append(_CallInfoContext(0, []))

# Track parent relationship across Modules.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class _DynamicContext(threading.local):
  """Dynamic context."""

  # TODO(marcvanzee): switch to using contextvars once minimum python version is
  # 3.7

  def __init__(self):
    self.module_stack = [
    self.capture_stack = []
    self.call_info_stack: list[_CallInfoContext] = []

# The global context
_context = _DynamicContext()

class _Sentinel:
  def __copy__(self):
    return self  # Do not copy singleton sentinel.

  def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
    del memo
    return self  # Do not copy singleton sentinel.

  def __reduce__(self):
    return _get_unspecified_parent, ()

def _get_unspecified_parent():
  return _unspecified_parent

_unspecified_parent = _Sentinel()

# Enable automatic named_call wrapping for labelling profile traces.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
_use_named_call = config.flax_profile

def _derive_profiling_name(module, fn):
  fn_name = _get_fn_name(fn)
  method_suffix = f'.{fn_name}' if fn_name != '__call__' else ''
  module_name = or module.__class__.__name__
  return f'{module_name}{method_suffix}'

[docs]def enable_named_call(): """Enables named call wrapping for labelling profile traces. When named call wrapping is enabled all JAX ops executed in a Module will be run under ``jax.named_scope``. The ``Module`` class name will show up around the operations belonging to that Module in the Tensorboard profiling UI, simplifying the profiling process. Note that ``jax.named_scope`` only works for compiled functions (e.g.: using jax.jit or jax.pmap). """ global _use_named_call _use_named_call = True
[docs]def disable_named_call(): """Disables named call wrapping. See ``enable_named_call`` """ global _use_named_call _use_named_call = False
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def override_named_call(enable: bool = True): # pylint: disable=g-doc-return-or-yield """Returns a context manager that enables/disables named call wrapping. Args: enable: If true, enables named call wrapping for labelling profile traces. (see ``enabled_named_call``). """ # pylint: enable=g-doc-return-or-yield global _use_named_call use_named_call_prev = _use_named_call _use_named_call = enable try: yield finally: _use_named_call = use_named_call_prev
# Intercept module methods. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class InterceptorContext: """Read only state showing the calling context for method interceptors. Attributes: module: The Module instance whose method is being called. method_name: The name of the method being called on the module. orig_method: The original method defined on the module. Calling it will short circuit all other interceptors. """ module: 'Module' method_name: str orig_method: Callable[..., Any] class ThreadLocalStack(threading.local): """Thread-local stack.""" def __init__(self): self._storage = [] def push(self, elem: Any) -> None: self._storage.append(elem) def pop(self) -> Any: return self._storage.pop() def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]: return iter(reversed(self._storage)) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._storage) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._storage})' Args = Tuple[Any] Kwargs = Dict[str, Any] NextGetter = Callable[..., Any] Interceptor = Callable[[NextGetter, Args, Kwargs, InterceptorContext], Any] _global_interceptor_stack = ThreadLocalStack()
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def intercept_methods(interceptor: Interceptor): # pylint: disable=g-doc-return-or-yield r"""Registers a new method interceptor. Method interceptors allow you to (at a distance) intercept method calls to modules. It works similarly to decorators. You could modify args/kwargs before calling the underlying method and/or modify the result returning from calling the underlying method. Or you could completely skip calling the underlying method and decide to do something differently. For example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax.numpy as jnp ... >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... def __call__(self, x): ... return x ... >>> def my_interceptor1(next_fun, args, kwargs, context): ... print('calling my_interceptor1') ... return next_fun(*args, **kwargs) ... >>> foo = Foo() >>> with nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor1): ... _ = foo(jnp.ones([1])) calling my_interceptor1 You could also register multiple interceptors on the same method. Interceptors will run in order. For example:: >>> def my_interceptor2(next_fun, args, kwargs, context): ... print('calling my_interceptor2') ... return next_fun(*args, **kwargs) ... >>> with nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor1), \ ... nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor2): ... _ = foo(jnp.ones([1])) calling my_interceptor1 calling my_interceptor2 You could skip other interceptors by directly calling the ``context.orig_method``. For example:: >>> def my_interceptor3(next_fun, args, kwargs, context): ... print('calling my_interceptor3') ... return context.orig_method(*args, **kwargs) >>> with nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor3), \ ... nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor1), \ ... nn.intercept_methods(my_interceptor2): ... _ = foo(jnp.ones([1])) calling my_interceptor3 The following methods couldn't be intercepted: 1. Methods decoratored with ``nn.nowrap``. 2. Dunder methods including ``__eq__``, ``__repr__``, ``__init__``, ``__hash__``, and ``__post_init__``. 3. Module dataclass fields. 4. Module descriptors. Args: interceptor: A method interceptor. """ _global_interceptor_stack.push(interceptor) try: yield finally: assert _global_interceptor_stack.pop() is interceptor
def run_interceptors( orig_method: Callable[..., Any], module: 'Module', *args, **kwargs, ) -> Any: """Runs method interceptors.""" method_name = _get_fn_name(orig_method) fun = functools.partial(orig_method, module) context = InterceptorContext(module, method_name, fun) def wrap_interceptor(interceptor, fun): """Wraps `fun` with `interceptor`.""" @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return interceptor(fun, args, kwargs, context) return wrapped # Wraps interceptors around the original method. The innermost interceptor is # the last one added and directly wrapped around the original bound method. for interceptor in _global_interceptor_stack: fun = wrap_interceptor(interceptor, fun) return fun(*args, **kwargs) # Utilities for pytrees of Modules defined inside setup() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sorted_items(x): """Returns items of a dict ordered by keys.""" return sorted(x.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]) def _get_suffix_value_pairs( tree_or_leaf: Any, ) -> List[Tuple[str, Type['Module']]]: """Helper for naming pytrees of submodules.""" dict_or_leaf = serialization.to_state_dict(tree_or_leaf) if not isinstance(dict_or_leaf, dict) or not dict_or_leaf: return [('', tree_or_leaf)] else: flat_dict = traverse_util.flatten_dict(dict_or_leaf) return [('_' + '_'.join(k), v) for k, v in _sorted_items(flat_dict)] def _map_over_modules_in_tree(fn, tree_or_leaf): """Helper for mapping function over submodules.""" dict_or_leaf = serialization.to_state_dict(tree_or_leaf) if not isinstance(dict_or_leaf, dict) or not dict_or_leaf: return fn('', tree_or_leaf) else: flat_dict = traverse_util.flatten_dict(dict_or_leaf, keep_empty_nodes=True) mapped_flat_dict = { k: fn('_' + '_'.join(k), v) for k, v in _sorted_items(flat_dict) } return serialization.from_state_dict( tree_or_leaf, traverse_util.unflatten_dict(mapped_flat_dict) ) def _freeze_attr(val: Any) -> Any: """Recursively wrap the given attribute `var` in ``FrozenDict``.""" if isinstance(val, (dict, FrozenDict)): return FrozenDict({k: _freeze_attr(v) for k, v in val.items()}) elif isinstance(val, tuple): # Special case namedtuples and special JAX tuple structures otherwise they # would be downgraded to normal tuples. if hasattr(val, '_fields') or type(val).__name__ == 'PartitionSpec': return type(val)(*[_freeze_attr(v) for v in val]) else: return tuple(_freeze_attr(v) for v in val) elif isinstance(val, list): return tuple(_freeze_attr(v) for v in val) else: return val # Method wrapping of "compact methods" and setup() # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def compact(fun: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: """Marks the given module method allowing inlined submodules. Methods wrapped in @compact can define submodules directly within the method. For instance:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x, features): ... x = nn.Dense(features)(x) ... ... ... return x At most one method in each Module may be wrapped with @compact. Args: fun: The Module method to mark as compact. Returns: The given function ``fun`` marked as compact. """ fun.compact = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return fun
[docs]def nowrap(fun: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: """Marks the given module method as a helper method that needn't be wrapped. Methods wrapped in ``@nowrap`` are private helper methods that needn't be wrapped with the state handler or a separate named_call transform. This is needed in several concrete instances: - if you're subclassing a method like Module.param and don't want this overriden core function decorated with the state management wrapper. - If you want a method to be callable from an unbound Module (e.g.: a function of construction of arguments that doesn't depend on params/RNGs). If you want to learn more about how Flax Modules manage their state read the [The Flax Module lifecycle]( guide. For instance:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... num_features: int ... @nn.nowrap ... def _make_dense(self, num_features): ... return nn.Dense(num_features) ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... # now safe to use constructor helper even if using named_call ... dense = self._make_dense(self.num_features) ... return dense(x) Args: fun: The Module method to mark as nowrap. Returns: The given function ``fun`` marked as nowrap. """ fun.nowrap = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return fun
def compact_name_scope(fun: _CallableT) -> _CallableT: """Creates compact submodules from a method. This is a decorator that allows you to define compact submodules from a method. It's intention is to make it easier to port code Haiku code to Flax by providing the same functionality. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> from flax.core import pretty_repr ... >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact_name_scope ... def up(self, x): ... return nn.Dense(3)(x) ... ... @nn.compact_name_scope ... def down(self, x): ... return nn.Dense(3)(x) ... ... def __call__(self, x): ... return self.up(x) + self.down(x) ... >>> module = Foo() >>> variables = module.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), jnp.ones((1, 2))) >>> params = variables['params'] >>> print(pretty_repr(jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, params))) { down: { Dense_0: { bias: (3,), kernel: (2, 3), }, }, up: { Dense_0: { bias: (3,), kernel: (2, 3), }, }, } You can also use ``compact_name_scope`` inside ``@compact`` methods or even other ``compact_name_scope`` methods. Methods that are decorated with ``compact_name_scope`` can also be called directly from ``init`` or ``apply`` via the ``method`` argument:: >>> y_down = module.apply({'params': params}, jnp.ones((1, 2)), method='down') >>> y_down.shape (1, 3) Args: fun: The Module method to mark as compact_name_scope. Returns: The given function ``fun`` marked as compact_name_scope. """ @functools.wraps(fun) def compact_name_scope_wrapper(self: nn.Module, *args, **kwargs): name = fun.__name__ if not hasattr(self, '_compact_name_scope_modules'): raise ValueError( f'Cannot call compact_name_scope method {name!r} on a Module that has not been ' f'setup. This is likely because you are calling {name!r} ' 'from outside of init or apply.' ) module = self._compact_name_scope_modules[name] return module(*args, **kwargs) compact_name_scope_wrapper.compact_name_scope = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] compact_name_scope_wrapper.inner_fun = fun # type: ignore[attr-defined] compact_name_scope_wrapper.nowrap = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return compact_name_scope_wrapper # type: ignore[return-value] def _get_local_method_names( cls: Any, exclude: Iterable[str] = () ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Gets method names of a class, excluding class and static methods. Args: cls: The class to get method names for. exclude: Names to exclude from output. Returns: A list of method names. """ true_methods = set() for m in cls.__dict__: if callable(cls.__dict__[m]) and not inspect.isclass( cls.__dict__[m] ): # pytype: disable=not-supported-yet mtype = type(cls.__dict__[m]) if mtype != staticmethod and mtype != classmethod: true_methods.add(m) return tuple(true_methods.difference(set(exclude))) def _get_local_descriptor_names( cls: Any, exclude: Iterable[str] = () ) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Gets descriptor names of a class. Args: cls: The class to get property names for. exclude: Names to exclude from output. Returns: A list of property names. """ true_properties = set() for m, attr in cls.__dict__.items(): if not callable(attr) and ( hasattr(attr, '__get__') or hasattr(attr, '__set__') or hasattr(attr, '__delete__') ): mtype = type(attr) if mtype != staticmethod and mtype != classmethod: true_properties.add(m) return tuple(true_properties.difference(set(exclude))) def wrap_method_once(fun: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Manages Module state for a given user-defined method. Args: fun: User-defined Module method to manage state for. Returns: Wrapped method. """ # Don't rewrap methods that have already had the state management wrapper # applied in the decorator stack. This wrapper should always be applied # before transformation wrappers. if hasattr(fun, 'method_handler_wrapped'): return fun @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapped_module_method(*args, **kwargs): # We might have incorrectly wrappped a callable # that is not a method. Check whether the first arg is self, # otherwise call the wrapped function as is. if args and isinstance(args[0], Module): self, args = args[0], args[1:] return self._call_wrapped_method(fun, args, kwargs) else: return fun(*args, **kwargs) wrapped_module_method.method_handler_wrapped = True # type: ignore[attr-defined] return wrapped_module_method def wrap_descriptor_once(descriptor) -> 'DescriptorWrapper': """Wraps a descriptor to give better error messages. Args: descriptor: User-defined Module attribute descriptor. Returns: Wrapped descriptor. """ # Don't rewrap descriptors. if isinstance(descriptor, DescriptorWrapper): return descriptor return create_descriptor_wrapper(descriptor) def _wrap_hash(hash_fn: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Wraps a hash function with some check for Flax Modules.""" @functools.wraps(hash_fn) def wrapped(self): if self.scope is not None: raise TypeError("Can't call __hash__ on modules that hold variables.") try: hash_value = hash_fn(self) except TypeError as exc: raise TypeError( 'Failed to hash Flax Module. ' 'The module probably contains unhashable attributes. ' f'Module={self}' ) from exc return hash_value return wrapped def _get_unbound_fn(method_or_fn: Callable[..., Any]) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Returns an unbound function from a method that is possibly bound. This means that if the passed function belongs of an instance of a class, then the returned function does no longer depend on the instance, which is passed as the first argument to the function. Args: method_or_fn: A class method or function. Returns: An unbound version of input function. """ if inspect.ismethod(method_or_fn) and isinstance( method_or_fn.__self__, Module ): # pytype: disable=attribute-error method_or_fn = method_or_fn.__func__ # pytype: disable=attribute-error # The method should be callable, and it should have at least one argument # representing the class that is passed in. if ( not callable(method_or_fn) or len(inspect.signature(method_or_fn).parameters) < 1 ): raise errors.ApplyModuleInvalidMethodError(method_or_fn) return method_or_fn def _map_submodules(fn: Callable[['Module'], Any], tree): """Map a function over all submodules in a tree.""" g = lambda _, x: fn(x) if isinstance(x, Module) else x return _freeze_attr(_map_over_modules_in_tree(g, tree)) class SetupState(enum.IntEnum): # setup() has not been called. NEW = 0 # setup() has been called outside a transform boundary. TRANSFORMED = 1 # setup() has been called. DONE = 2 @dataclasses.dataclass class _ModuleInternalState: """Ephemeral Module Evaluation State. For clarity, we collect all of the temporary flags and ephemeral state used by Modules for autonaming and error messages here, alongside the rules used to pass this ephemeral state across transform boundaries. """ in_compact_method: bool = False in_setup: bool = False setup_called: SetupState = SetupState.NEW is_initialized: bool = False autoname_cursor: Dict[str, int] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict) children: Dict[str, Union[str, 'Module']] = dataclasses.field( default_factory=dict ) def reset(self) -> None: """Resets transient state. This function is called after each module method, so only attributes that are method-dependent are reset. """ self.in_compact_method = False self.in_setup = False self.autoname_cursor = dict() def export(self) -> '_ModuleInternalState': """Exports transform-preserved state across transform boundary.""" setup_state = ( SetupState.TRANSFORMED if self.setup_called else SetupState.NEW ) cloned = _ModuleInternalState( in_compact_method=self.in_compact_method, in_setup=self.in_setup, setup_called=setup_state, is_initialized=self.is_initialized, autoname_cursor=dict(self.autoname_cursor), ) return cloned def reimport(self, other: '_ModuleInternalState') -> None: """Re-imports transform-preserved state from across transform boundary.""" self.in_compact_method = other.in_compact_method self.in_setup = other.in_setup self.is_initialized = other.is_initialized self.autoname_cursor = dict(other.autoname_cursor) _uninitialized_module_internal_state = _ModuleInternalState() _UNDEFINED_COPY_PICKLE_METHODS = ( '__getstate__', '__setstate__', '__getnewargs_ex__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', ) _caches: 'weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[Scope, weakref.WeakValueDictionary[FlaxId, Module]]' = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() tuple_reduce = lambda xs, x: xs + (x,) tuple_init = lambda: () capture_call_intermediates = lambda _, method_name: method_name == '__call__' class ParentDescriptor: """Wraps parent module references in weak refs. This prevents reference cycles from forming via parent links which can lead to accidental OOMs in eager mode due to slow garbage collection as well as spurious tracer leaks during jit compilation. Note: "descriptors" are the underlying python mechanism for implementing dynamic @property decorators. We need to use a raw descriptor instead of the more common decorator in order to force that the appropriate getter/setter logic applies in subclasses even after various dataclass transforms. """ def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): # check if obj is None, happens during %autoreload if obj is None: return None parent = object.__getattribute__(obj, '_parent_ref') return parent() if isinstance(parent, weakref.ReferenceType) else parent def __set__(self, obj, value): maybe_weak = weakref.ref(value) if isinstance(value, Module) else value object.__setattr__(obj, '_parent_ref', maybe_weak) class Descriptor(tpe.Protocol): __isabstractmethod__: bool def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None) -> Any: ... def __set__(self, obj, value) -> None: ... def __delete__(self, obj) -> None: ... def __set_name__(self, owner, name) -> None: ... class DescriptorWrapper: pass def create_descriptor_wrapper(descriptor: Descriptor): """Creates a descriptor wrapper that calls a get_fn on the descriptor.""" class _DescriptorWrapper(DescriptorWrapper): """A descriptor that can wrap any descriptor.""" if hasattr(descriptor, '__isabstractmethod__'): __isabstractmethod__ = descriptor.__isabstractmethod__ def __init__(self, wrapped: Descriptor): self.wrapped = wrapped # conditionally define descriptor methods if hasattr(descriptor, '__get__'): def __get__(self, *args, **kwargs): # here we will catch internal AttributeError and re-raise it as a # more informative and correct error message. try: return self.wrapped.__get__(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError as e: raise errors.DescriptorAttributeError() from e if hasattr(descriptor, '__set__'): def __set__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.wrapped.__set__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(descriptor, '__delete__'): def __delete__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.wrapped.__delete__(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(descriptor, '__set_name__'): def __set_name__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.wrapped.__set_name__(*args, **kwargs) def __getattr__(self, name): if 'wrapped' not in vars(self): raise AttributeError() return getattr(self.wrapped, name) return _DescriptorWrapper(descriptor) # Base Module definition. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def module_field(*, kw_only: bool = False, default: Optional[Any] = ...) -> Any: ... # The ModuleBase class is created only to make static analyzers happy # mainly pytype and pyright. Some notes: # * pyright (correctly) complains that Module itself is not a dataclass, even # though all its subclasses and intances ARE dataclasses. Because there is no # way to annotate this in a way that pyright understands, we create a # ModuleBase class decorated with `dataclass_transform` such that pyright # thinks Module is a dataclass (in reality only subclasses are instantiated # so this is fine). # * The `__dataclass_fields__` attribute is needed because pytype seems to # not understand the `dataclass_transform` decorator, therefore we need # to add the attribute manually. # * Other attributes are annotated for completeness. Because we are using # the `if typing.TYPE_CHECKING` pattern, these annotations are not present # at runtime so they don't affect the dataclass behavior. @tpe.dataclass_transform(field_specifiers=(module_field,)) # type: ignore[literal-required] class ModuleBase: if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: scope: Optional[Scope] _state: _ModuleInternalState _parent_ref: Union['Module', weakref.ReferenceType['Module'], None] __dataclass_fields__: Dict[str, dataclasses.Field]
[docs]class Module(ModuleBase): """Base class for all neural network modules. Layers and models should subclass this class. All Flax Modules are Python 3.7 `dataclasses <>`_. Since dataclasses take over ``__init__``, you should instead override :meth:`setup`, which is automatically called to initialize the module. Modules can contain submodules, and in this way can be nested in a tree structure. Submodels can be assigned as regular attributes inside the :meth:`setup` method. You can define arbitrary "forward pass" methods on your Module subclass. While no methods are special-cased, ``__call__`` is a popular choice because it allows you to use module instances as if they are functions:: >>> from flax import linen as nn >>> from typing import Tuple >>> class Module(nn.Module): ... features: Tuple[int, ...] = (16, 4) ... def setup(self): ... self.dense1 = nn.Dense(self.features[0]) ... self.dense2 = nn.Dense(self.features[1]) ... def __call__(self, x): ... return self.dense2(nn.relu(self.dense1(x))) Optionally, for more concise module implementations where submodules definitions are co-located with their usage, you can use the :meth:`compact` wrapper. """ if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: name: Optional[str] = module_field(kw_only=True, default=None) parent: Union['Module', _Sentinel, None] = module_field( kw_only=True, default=None ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # this stub makes sure pytype accepts constructor arguments. pass def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: # this stub allows pytype to accept Modules as Callables. pass @classmethod def __init_subclass__(cls, kw_only: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Automatically initializes all subclasses as custom dataclasses.""" super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) # All Flax Modules are dataclasses. We force this convention since # it encourages the stateless behavior needed to clone module instances for # functional transformation. Instead of using a python metaclass, we # automatically transform Modules into dataclasses at subclass creation # time, and we set the last dataclass arguments to `parent` and `name`. cls._customized_dataclass_transform(kw_only) # We wrap user-defined methods including setup and __call__ to enforce # a number of different checks and to provide clear error messages. cls._verify_single_or_no_compact() cls._find_compact_name_scope_methods() cls._wrap_module_attributes() # Set empty class defaults. cls._state = _uninitialized_module_internal_state # type: ignore[attr-defined] cls.scope: Optional[Scope] = None # type: ignore # Handles weak referencing of parent Modules to prevent reference cycles. cls._parent_ref = None # type: ignore[attr-defined] cls.parent = ParentDescriptor() # type: ignore[assignment] @classmethod def _customized_dataclass_transform(cls, kw_only: bool): """Transforms `cls` into a dataclass, with custom additional behavior. 1. Inject `parent` and `name` fields. (If they are already present, then check that they have the expected types.) 2. Set compare, hash, and repr to False for non-init fields. 3. Generate a hash function (if not provided by cls). """ # Check reserved attributes have expected type annotations. annotations = dict(cls.__dict__.get('__annotations__', {})) if annotations.get('parent', _ParentType) != _ParentType: raise errors.ReservedModuleAttributeError(annotations) if annotations.get('name', str) not in ('str', str, Optional[str]): raise errors.ReservedModuleAttributeError(annotations) # any non-init field will only be set in setup # During __hash__ and __eq__ the field is not set yet # so it should not be used in compare, hash or repr. for field in annotations: field_meta = getattr(cls, field, None) if isinstance(field_meta, dataclasses.Field) and not field_meta.init: = False field_meta.hash = False field_meta.repr = False extra_fields = [ ( 'parent', _ParentType, kw_only_dataclasses.field( repr=False, default=_unspecified_parent, kw_only=True ), ), ( 'name', Optional[str], kw_only_dataclasses.field(default=None, kw_only=True), ), ] if kw_only: if tuple(sys.version_info)[:3] >= (3, 10, 0): for ( name, annotation, # pytype: disable=invalid-annotation default, ) in extra_fields: setattr(cls, name, default) cls.__annotations__[name] = annotation dataclasses.dataclass( # type: ignore[call-overload] unsafe_hash='__hash__' not in cls.__dict__, repr=False, kw_only=True, )(cls) else: raise TypeError('`kw_only` is not available before Py 3.10.') else: # Now apply dataclass transform (which operates in-place). # Do generate a hash function only if not provided by the class. kw_only_dataclasses.dataclass( cls, unsafe_hash='__hash__' not in cls.__dict__, repr=False, extra_fields=extra_fields, ) # pytype: disable=wrong-keyword-args cls.__hash__ = _wrap_hash(cls.__hash__) # type: ignore[method-assign] @classmethod def _verify_single_or_no_compact(cls): """Statically verifies that at most a single method is labelled compact.""" methods = [m[0] for m in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=callable)] n_compact_fns = len( [ method_name for method_name in methods if hasattr(getattr(cls, method_name), 'compact') ] ) if n_compact_fns > 1: raise errors.MultipleMethodsCompactError() @classmethod def _find_compact_name_scope_methods(cls): """Finds all compact_name_scope methods in the class.""" methods = [m[0] for m in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=callable)] compact_name_scope_fns = tuple( method_name for method_name in methods if hasattr(getattr(cls, method_name), 'compact_name_scope') ) cls._compact_name_scope_methods = compact_name_scope_fns @classmethod def _wrap_module_attributes(cls): """Wraps user-defined non-inherited methods and descriptors with state management functions. """ # wrap methods method_exclusions = [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)] + [ '__eq__', '__repr__', '__init__', '__hash__', '__post_init__', ] for key in _get_local_method_names(cls, exclude=method_exclusions): method = getattr(cls, key) if hasattr(method, 'nowrap'): continue setattr(cls, key, wrap_method_once(method)) # wrap descriptors descriptor_exclusions = [ for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)] + [ 'parent', '__dict__', ] for key in _get_local_descriptor_names(cls, descriptor_exclusions): # don't use getattr here, since it will call the descriptor descriptor = cls.__dict__[key] if hasattr(descriptor, 'nowrap'): continue setattr(cls, key, wrap_descriptor_once(descriptor)) return cls def _call_wrapped_method(self, fun, args, kwargs): """Calls a wrapped method. This function is responsible for setting up the thread local state correctly before calling the method and cleaning up afterwards. This includes storing intermediates, setup of the compact scope, and making sure setup is called before any other method. Args: fun: The wrapped method. args: Named arguments passed to ``fun``. kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to ``fun``. Returns: The results of calling ``fun``. """ is_compact_method = hasattr(fun, 'compact') fun_name = _get_fn_name(fun) is_setup_method = fun_name == 'setup' add_call_info = not is_setup_method and len(_context.call_info_stack) > 0 # We lazily call setup() only when needed. if is_setup_method: if self.scope is None: raise errors.CallSetupUnboundModuleError() is_recurrent = self._state.in_setup self._state.in_setup = True else: self._try_setup() if is_compact_method: if self.scope is None: raise errors.CallCompactUnboundModuleError() is_recurrent = self._state.in_compact_method self._state.in_compact_method = True _context.module_stack.append(self) try: # get call info if add_call_info: assert self.scope is not None call_index = _context.call_info_stack[-1].get_call_index() if _global_interceptor_stack: run_fun = functools.partial(run_interceptors, fun) else: run_fun = fun # call method if _use_named_call: with jax.named_scope(_derive_profiling_name(self, fun)): y = run_fun(self, *args, **kwargs) else: y = run_fun(self, *args, **kwargs) if _context.capture_stack: filter_fn = _context.capture_stack[-1] if filter_fn and filter_fn(self, fun_name): self.sow('intermediates', fun_name, y) if add_call_info: _args, _kwargs, _y = flax.linen.summary._represent_tree( (args, kwargs, y) ) _context.call_info_stack[-1].calls.append( _CallInfo( call_index, self.path, self.clone(), self.scope.rngs, self.scope.mutable, fun.__name__, _args, _kwargs, _y, ) ) return y finally: _context.module_stack.pop() if is_compact_method: object.__setattr__(self, 'scope', self.scope.rewound()) # setup or compact calls can be recurrent for example due to super calls # resetting the state would cause is compact/setup method # to be set to False prematurely. if (is_compact_method or is_setup_method) and not is_recurrent: self._state.reset()
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name: str, val: Any): """Sets an attribute on this Module. We overload setattr solely to support pythonic naming via assignment of submodules in the special :meth:`setup` function:: self.submodule_name = MyModule(...) We also support lists and other general pytrees, e.g.:: self.submodules = [MyModule0(..), MyModule1(..), ...] Args: name: Attribute to set. val: Value of the attribute. """ fields = self.__dataclass_fields__ # pytype: disable=attribute-error is_dataclass_attr = name in fields and fields[name].init if not self._state.in_setup: if not self._state.is_initialized: # Setting attributes before end of Module.__post_init__() object.__setattr__(self, name, val) return else: # We're past all initialization and setup logic: # Raises a TypeError just like frozen python dataclasses. raise errors.SetAttributeFrozenModuleError( self.__class__.__name__, name, val ) # We're inside the setup() method: if is_dataclass_attr: # These names are specified as dataclass fields. They should not be # initialized within the setup() method, but can be modified freely # before it. raise errors.SetAttributeInModuleSetupError() # Values (that may be variables or submodules) are being defined and # attached in setup(), we run some extra logic in that case. self._register_submodules(name, val)
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: """Call setup() before getting any setup-defined attributes.""" # We don't want to return anything for python copy / pickle methods. if name in _UNDEFINED_COPY_PICKLE_METHODS: raise AttributeError() self._try_setup() if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] else: msg = f'"{self.__class__.__name__}" object has no attribute "{name}".' if self.scope is None: msg += ( f' If "{name}" is defined in \'.setup()\', remember these fields ' "are only accessible from inside 'init' or 'apply'." ) raise AttributeError(msg) def __dir__(self) -> List[str]: """Call setup() before listing attributes.""" self._try_setup() return object.__dir__(self) # type: ignore def __post_init__(self) -> None: # DO NOT REMOVE - Marker for internal logging. # In dataclasses, __init__ is overridden to process dataclass arguments, # and __post_init__ is called immediately afterwards. Here, depending on the # type of `parent` passed to initialize the Module, we either defer # initialization, attach this Module as a submodule of a parent, or bind # this Module at the top-level to variables and rngs. object.__setattr__(self, '_id', uuid()) object.__setattr__(self, '_state', _ModuleInternalState()) # Typically we set the parent based on the dynamic module context. if self.parent is _unspecified_parent: # pytype: disable=attribute-error object.__setattr__(self, 'parent', _context.module_stack[-1]) # Initialization is deferred for top level Modules or any other "orphan" # Modules until attachment by __setattr__ i.e. MyModule(..., parent=None) if self.parent is None: return # Register submodule on parent Module. if isinstance(self.parent, Module): # When initializing an unnamed Module inside setup() # initialization is deferred until attachment by __setattr__ # i.e. self.mymodule = MyModule(...) Optional[str] if ( self.parent._state.in_setup and is None ): # pytype: disable=attribute-error return if not self.parent._initialization_allowed: raise errors.AssignSubModuleError(self.__class__.__name__) # Autonaming of submodules. if is None: # pytype: disable=attribute-error prefix = f'{self.__class__.__name__}' cursor = self.parent._state.autoname_cursor.get(prefix, 0) = f'{prefix}_{cursor}' self.parent._state.autoname_cursor[prefix] = cursor + 1 # Allow scope aliasing under transforms for submodules defined in setup. reuse_scopes = ( self.parent._state.in_setup and self.parent._state.setup_called == SetupState.TRANSFORMED ) # Perform name-collision check. if self.parent._name_taken(, reuse_scopes=reuse_scopes): parent_class = self.parent.__class__.__name__ raise errors.NameInUseError('submodule',, parent_class) # Finalize attachment to parent and scope initialization. self.parent._state.children[] = self assert self.parent.scope is not None object.__setattr__( self, 'scope', self.parent.scope.push(, reuse=reuse_scopes) ) # Top-level invocation with a functional Scope. elif isinstance(self.parent, Scope): object.__setattr__(self, 'scope', self.parent) else: raise ValueError('parent must be None, Module or Scope') # eagerly bind submodules if scope is available if self.scope is not None: for field in dataclasses.fields(self): if not in ('parent', 'name') and field.init: self._register_submodules(, getattr(self, self._state.is_initialized = True def __repr__(self) -> str: return _module_repr(self)
[docs] def setup(self) -> None: """Initializes a Module lazily (similar to a lazy ``__init__``). ``setup`` is called once lazily on a module instance when a module is bound, immediately before any other methods like ``__call__`` are invoked, or before a ``setup``-defined attribute on ``self`` is accessed. This can happen in three cases: 1. Immediately when invoking :meth:`apply`, :meth:`init` or :meth:`init_and_output`. 2. Once the module is given a name by being assigned to an attribute of another module inside the other module's ``setup`` method (see :meth:`__setattr__`):: >>> class MyModule(nn.Module): ... def setup(self): ... submodule = nn.Conv(...) ... # Accessing `submodule` attributes does not yet work here. ... # The following line invokes `self.__setattr__`, which gives ... # `submodule` the name "conv1". ... self.conv1 = submodule ... # Accessing `submodule` attributes or methods is now safe and ... # either causes setup() to be called once. 3. Once a module is constructed inside a method wrapped with :meth:`compact`, immediately before another method is called or ``setup`` defined attribute is accessed. """ pass
def _register_submodules(self, name, val): """Registers a submodule.""" assert self.scope, 'Trying to register submodules on unbound scope.' root = self.scope.root cache = _caches.get(root, weakref.WeakValueDictionary()) _caches[root] = cache queue = [] preserve_adopted_names = config.flax_preserve_adopted_names if hasattr(type(self), 'preserve_adopted_names'): preserve_adopted_names = type(self).preserve_adopted_names def adopt_attr_modules(cache, queue, suffix, subvalue): if isinstance(subvalue, Module): current_name = adopted_name = None if subvalue.parent is None: # Preserve sharing-by-reference relationships during adoption # via cache keyed on unique instance ids. key = subvalue._id # Module was passed from outside. It needs to be cloned. # Outside modules are named by attachment, not an outer name, # UNLESS we're using new adopted name policy, in which case an existing # name will be used, as is often supplied by config systems. if preserve_adopted_names: adopted_name = object.__getattribute__(subvalue, 'name') if key in cache: subvalue = cache[key] else: subvalue = subvalue.clone(name=None) cache[key] = subvalue if is None: object.__setattr__(subvalue, 'parent', self) if adopted_name is None: adopted_name = ( f'{name}{suffix}' if not isinstance(subvalue, CompactNameScope) else current_name ) object.__setattr__(subvalue, 'name', adopted_name) queue.append(subvalue) return subvalue val = _freeze_attr( _map_over_modules_in_tree( functools.partial(adopt_attr_modules, cache, queue), val ) ) object.__setattr__(self, name, val) for x in queue: x.__post_init__() def _try_setup(self, shallow: bool = False) -> None: """Tries to setup module if scope is available and setup has not been called yet.""" if ( self.scope and not self._state.in_setup and self._state.setup_called != SetupState.DONE ): try: self._state.in_setup = True # A shallow setup will only register attribute submodules but it does # not call the user's setup. This avoids running before a # transformation. for field in dataclasses.fields(self): if not in ('parent', 'name') and field.init: self._register_submodules(, getattr(self, if not shallow: self.setup() # create NonTransparent Modules self._compact_name_scope_modules = { name: CompactNameScope( getattr(type(self), name).inner_fun, lambda: self, name=name ) for name in self._compact_name_scope_methods } # We run static checks abstractly once for setup before any transforms # to detect name collisions and other python errors. elif self._state.setup_called == SetupState.NEW: self._validate_setup() finally: self._state.in_setup = False if not shallow: self._state.setup_called = SetupState.DONE def _validate_setup(self) -> None: """Abstractly evaluates setup only to run static checks.""" def run_setup_only(x): wrapped_id = wrap_method_once(lambda m, x: x) with TestScope({}, rngs={}, mutable=True).temporary() as root: return wrapped_id(self.clone(parent=root), x) _ = jax.eval_shape(run_setup_only, 0) def _name_taken( self, name: str, reuse_scopes: bool = False, collection: Optional[str] = None, ) -> bool: assert self.scope is not None if reuse_scopes: return False return self.scope.name_reserved(name, collection) @property def _initialization_allowed(self): return ( not self._state.is_initialized # allow eager attachment in post-init or self._state.in_setup or self._state.in_compact_method ) @property def path(self): """Get the path of this Module. Top-level root modules have an empty path ``()``. Note that this method can only be used on bound modules that have a valid scope. Example usage:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class SubModel(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... print(f'SubModel path: {self.path}') ... return x >>> class Model(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... print(f'Model path: {self.path}') ... return SubModel()(x) >>> model = Model() >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), jnp.ones((1, 2))) Model path: () SubModel path: ('SubModel_0',) """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't access module paths on unbound modules.") return self.scope.path def clone( self: M, *, parent: Optional[Union[Scope, 'Module', _Sentinel]] = None, _deep_clone: Union[bool, weakref.WeakValueDictionary] = False, _reset_names: bool = False, **updates, ) -> M: """Creates a clone of this Module, with optionally updated arguments. NOTE: end users are encouraged to use the ``copy`` method. ``clone`` is used primarily for internal routines, and ``copy`` offers simpler arguments and better defaults. Args: parent: The parent of the clone. The clone will have no parent if no explicit parent is specified. _deep_clone: A boolean or a weak value dictionary to control deep cloning of submodules. If True, submodules will be cloned recursively. If a weak value dictionary is passed, it will be used to cache cloned submodules. This flag is used by init/apply/bind to avoid scope leakage. _reset_names: If True, ``name=None`` is also passed to submodules when cloning. Resetting names in submodules is necessary when calling ``.unbind``. **updates: Attribute updates. Returns: A clone of the this Module with the updated attributes and parent. """ attrs = { getattr(self, for f in dataclasses.fields(self) if f.init } attrs.update(parent=parent, **updates) # Here we implement deep cloning of submodules, this is necessary to avoid scope leakage # from external submodules into init/apply/bind while preserving sharing-by-reference # relationships between submodules. if _deep_clone != False: # We use a weak value dictionary to cache cloned submodules. When a shared # submodule is cloned, its only cloned once else its fetched from the cache. cache = ( weakref.WeakValueDictionary() if isinstance(_deep_clone, bool) else _deep_clone ) def clone_fn(m: Module) -> Module: if hasattr(m, '_id'): key = m._id if key in cache: return cache[key] else: if _reset_names: clone = m.clone( _deep_clone=cache, _reset_names=_reset_names, name=None ) else: clone = m.clone(_deep_clone=cache) cache[key] = clone return clone else: # If the module doesn't have an _id attribute it could be a mock object # so we return it as is. return m # _map_submodules will map over all submodules inside attrs # value here can be any pytree, non-module values are ignored for field_name, value in attrs.items(): if field_name == 'parent': continue attrs[field_name] = _map_submodules(clone_fn, value) module = self.__class__(**attrs) return module
[docs] def copy( self: M, *, parent: Optional[Union[Scope, 'Module', _Sentinel]] = _unspecified_parent, name: Optional[str] = None, **updates, ) -> M: """Creates a copy of this Module, with optionally updated arguments. Args: parent: The parent of the copy. By default the current module is taken as parent if not explicitly specified. name: A new name for the copied Module, by default a new automatic name will be given. **updates: Attribute updates. Returns: A copy of the this Module with the updated name, parent, and attributes. """ return self.clone( parent=parent, name=name, _deep_clone=True, _reset_names=False, **updates )
@overload def variable( self, col: str, name: str, init_fn: Optional[Callable[..., T]] = None, *init_args, ) -> Variable[T]: ... @overload def variable( self, col: str, name: str, init_fn: Optional[Callable[..., T]] = None, *init_args, unbox: Literal[True], **init_kwargs, ) -> Variable[T]: ... @overload def variable( self, col: str, name: str, init_fn: Optional[Callable[..., T]] = None, *init_args, unbox: Literal[False], **init_kwargs, ) -> Variable[meta.AxisMetadata[T]]: ... @overload def variable( self, col: str, name: str, init_fn: Optional[Callable[..., T]] = None, *init_args, unbox: bool = True, **init_kwargs, ) -> Union[Variable[T], Variable[meta.AxisMetadata[T]]]: ...
[docs] def variable( self, col: str, name: str, init_fn: Optional[Callable[..., T]] = None, *init_args, unbox: bool = True, **init_kwargs, ) -> Union[Variable[T], Variable[meta.AxisMetadata[T]]]: """Declares and returns a variable in this Module. See :mod:`flax.core.variables` for more information. See also :meth:`param` for a shorthand way to define read-only variables in the "params" collection. Contrary to :meth:`param`, all arguments passing using ``init_fn`` should be passed on explicitly:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... key = self.make_rng('stats') ... mean = self.variable('stats', 'mean', nn.initializers.lecun_normal(), key, x.shape) ... ... ... return x * mean.value >>> variables = Foo().init({'params': jax.random.key(0), 'stats': jax.random.key(1)}, jnp.ones((2, 3))) >>> jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, variables) {'params': {'Dense_0': {'bias': (4,), 'kernel': (3, 4)}}, 'stats': {'mean': (2, 4)}} In the example above, the function ``lecun_normal`` expects two arguments: ``key`` and ``shape``, and both have to be passed on. The PRNG for ``stats`` has to be provided explicitly when calling :meth:`init` and :meth:`apply`. Args: col: The variable collection name. name: The variable name. init_fn: The function that will be called to compute the initial value of this variable. This function will only be called the first time this variable is used in this module. If None, the variable must already be initialized otherwise an error is raised. *init_args: The positional arguments to pass to init_fn. unbox: If True, ``AxisMetadata`` instances are replaced by their unboxed value, see ``flax.nn.meta.unbox`` (default: True). **init_kwargs: The key-word arguments to pass to init_fn Returns: A :class:`flax.core.variables.Variable` that can be read or set via ".value" attribute. Throws an error if the variable exists already. """ if not self._initialization_allowed: raise ValueError( 'Variables must be initialized in `setup()` or in a method ' 'wrapped in `@compact`' ) if self._name_taken(name, collection=col): raise errors.NameInUseError('variable', name, self.__class__.__name__) assert self.scope is not None v = self.scope.variable( col, name, init_fn, *init_args, unbox=unbox, **init_kwargs ) self._state.children[name] = col return v
@overload def param( self, name: str, init_fn: Callable[..., T], *init_args, ) -> T: ... @overload def param( self, name: str, init_fn: Callable[..., T], *init_args, unbox: Literal[True], **init_kwargs, ) -> T: ... @overload def param( self, name: str, init_fn: Callable[..., T], *init_args, unbox: Literal[False], **init_kwargs, ) -> meta.AxisMetadata[T]: ... @overload def param( self, name: str, init_fn: Callable[..., T], *init_args, unbox: bool, **init_kwargs, ) -> Union[T, meta.AxisMetadata[T]]: ...
[docs] def param( self, name: str, init_fn: Callable[..., T], *init_args, unbox: bool = True, **init_kwargs, ) -> Union[T, meta.AxisMetadata[T]]: """Declares and returns a parameter in this Module. Parameters are read-only variables in the collection named "params". See :mod:`flax.core.variables` for more details on variables. The first argument of ``init_fn`` is assumed to be a PRNG key, which is provided automatically and does not have to be passed using ``init_args`` or ``init_kwargs``:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... mean = self.param('mean', nn.initializers.lecun_normal(), x.shape) ... ... ... return x * mean >>> variables = Foo().init({'params': jax.random.key(0), 'stats': jax.random.key(1)}, jnp.ones((2, 3))) >>> jax.tree_util.tree_map(jnp.shape, variables) {'params': {'Dense_0': {'bias': (4,), 'kernel': (3, 4)}, 'mean': (2, 4)}} In the example above, the function ``lecun_normal`` expects two arguments: ``key`` and ``shape``, but only ``shape`` has to be provided explicitly; ``key`` is set automatically using the PRNG for ``params`` that is passed when initializing the module using :meth:`init`. Args: name: The parameter name. init_fn: The function that will be called to compute the initial value of this variable. This function will only be called the first time this parameter is used in this module. *init_args: The positional arguments to pass to init_fn. unbox: If True, ``AxisMetadata`` instances are replaced by their unboxed value, see ``flax.nn.meta.unbox`` (default: True). **init_kwargs: The key-word arguments to pass to init_fn. Returns: The value of the initialized parameter. Throws an error if the parameter exists already. """ if not self._initialization_allowed: raise ValueError( 'Parameters must be initialized in `setup()` or in a method ' 'wrapped in `@compact`' ) if self._name_taken(name, collection='params'): raise errors.NameInUseError('param', name, self.__class__.__name__) assert self.scope is not None v = self.scope.param(name, init_fn, *init_args, unbox=unbox, **init_kwargs) self._state.children[name] = 'params' return v
[docs] def has_variable(self, col: str, name: str) -> bool: """Checks if a variable of given collection and name exists in this Module. See :mod:`flax.core.variables` for more explanation on variables and collections. Args: col: The variable collection name. name: The name of the variable. Returns: True if the variable exists. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't access variables on unbound modules") return self.scope.has_variable(col, name)
[docs] def is_mutable_collection(self, col: str) -> bool: """Returns true if the collection ``col`` is mutable.""" if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't check mutability on unbound modules") return self.scope.is_mutable_collection(col)
[docs] def has_rng(self, name: str) -> bool: """Returns true if a PRNGSequence with name ``name`` exists.""" if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't query for RNGs on unbound modules") return self.scope.has_rng(name)
[docs] def make_rng(self, name: str = 'params') -> PRNGKey: """Returns a new RNG key from a given RNG sequence for this Module. The new RNG key is split from the previous one. Thus, every call to ``make_rng`` returns a new RNG key, while still guaranteeing full reproducibility. .. note:: If an invalid name is passed (i.e. no RNG key was passed by the user in ``.init`` or ``.apply`` for this name), then ``name`` will default to ``'params'``. Example:: >>> import jax >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> class ParamsModule(nn.Module): ... def __call__(self): ... return self.make_rng('params') >>> class OtherModule(nn.Module): ... def __call__(self): ... return self.make_rng('other') >>> key = jax.random.key(0) >>> params_out, _ = ParamsModule().init_with_output({'params': key}) >>> # self.make_rng('other') will default to using the 'params' RNG stream >>> other_out, _ = OtherModule().init_with_output({'params': key}) >>> assert params_out == other_out Learn more about RNG's by reading the Flax RNG guide: Args: name: The RNG sequence name. Returns: The newly generated RNG key. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't use RNGs on unbound modules") return self.scope.make_rng(name)
[docs] def is_initializing(self) -> bool: """Returns True if running under self.init(...) or nn.init(...)(). This is a helper method to handle the common case of simple initialization where we wish to have setup logic occur when only called under ``module.init`` or ``nn.init``. For more complicated multi-phase initialization scenarios it is better to test for the mutability of particular variable collections or for the presence of particular variables that potentially need to be initialized. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't check if running under init() on unbound modules") return self.scope.get_flag('initializing', False)
def _module_checks(self): """Run standard runtime checks.""" if not isinstance(self, Module): raise errors.InvalidInstanceModuleError() overridden_post_init = self.__post_init__ != Module.__post_init__ if overridden_post_init and not hasattr(self, '_id'): raise errors.IncorrectPostInitOverrideError()
[docs] @traceback_util.api_boundary def bind( self: M, variables: VariableDict, *args, rngs: Optional[RNGSequences] = None, mutable: CollectionFilter = False, ) -> M: """Creates an interactive Module instance by binding variables and RNGs. ``bind`` provides an "interactive" instance of a Module directly without transforming a function with ``apply``. This is particularly useful for debugging and interactive use cases like notebooks where a function would limit the ability to split up code into different cells. Once the variables (and optionally RNGs) are bound to a ``Module`` it becomes a stateful object. Note that idiomatic JAX is functional and therefore an interactive instance does not mix well with vanilla JAX APIs. ``bind()`` should only be used for interactive experimentation, and in all other cases we strongly encourage users to use ``apply()`` instead. Example:: >>> import jax >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> class AutoEncoder(nn.Module): ... def setup(self): ... self.encoder = nn.Dense(3) ... self.decoder = nn.Dense(5) ... ... def __call__(self, x): ... return self.decoder(self.encoder(x)) >>> x = jnp.ones((16, 9)) >>> ae = AutoEncoder() >>> variables = ae.init(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> model = ae.bind(variables) >>> z = model.encoder(x) >>> x_reconstructed = model.decoder(z) Args: variables: A dictionary containing variables keyed by variable collections. See :mod:`flax.core.variables` for more details about variables. *args: Named arguments (not used). rngs: a dict of PRNGKeys to initialize the PRNG sequences. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. Returns: A copy of this instance with bound variables and RNGs. """ Module._module_checks(self) del args scope = core.bind(variables, rngs=rngs, mutable=mutable) return self.clone(parent=scope, _deep_clone=True)
[docs] def unbind(self: M) -> Tuple[M, VariableDict]: """Returns an unbound copy of a Module and its variables. ``unbind`` helps create a stateless version of a bound Module. An example of a common use case: to extract a sub-Module defined inside ``setup()`` and its corresponding variables: 1) temporarily ``bind`` the parent Module; and then 2) ``unbind`` the desired sub-Module. (Recall that ``setup()`` is only called when the Module is bound.):: >>> class Encoder(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... ... ... return nn.Dense(256)(x) >>> class Decoder(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... ... ... return nn.Dense(784)(x) >>> class AutoEncoder(nn.Module): ... def setup(self): ... self.encoder = Encoder() ... self.decoder = Decoder() ... ... def __call__(self, x): ... return self.decoder(self.encoder(x)) >>> module = AutoEncoder() >>> variables = module.init(jax.random.key(0), jnp.ones((1, 784))) >>> # Extract the Encoder sub-Module and its variables >>> encoder, encoder_vars = module.bind(variables).encoder.unbind() Returns: A tuple with an unbound copy of this Module and its variables. """ Module._module_checks(self) if self.scope is None: raise errors.CallUnbindOnUnboundModuleError() variables = self.variables module = self.clone(_deep_clone=True, _reset_names=True, name=None) return module, variables
[docs] @traceback_util.api_boundary def apply( self, variables: VariableDict, *args, rngs: Optional[Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences]] = None, method: Union[Callable[..., Any], str, None] = None, mutable: CollectionFilter = False, capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[['Module', str], bool]] = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[Any, Tuple[Any, Union[FrozenVariableDict, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Applies a module method to variables and returns output and modified variables. Note that ``method`` should be set if one would like to call ``apply`` on a different class method than ``__call__``. For instance, suppose a Transformer modules has a method called ``encode``, then the following calls ``apply`` on that method:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> import numpy as np >>> class Transformer(nn.Module): ... def encode(self, x): ... ... >>> x = jnp.ones((16, 9)) >>> model = Transformer() >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), x, method=Transformer.encode) >>> encoded = model.apply(variables, x, method=Transformer.encode) If a function instance is provided, the unbound function is used. For instance, the example below is equivalent to the one above:: >>> encoded = model.apply(variables, x, method=model.encode) You can also pass a string to a callable attribute of the module. For example, the previous can be written as:: >>> encoded = model.apply(variables, x, method='encode') Note ``method`` can also be a function that is not defined in ``Transformer``. In that case, the function should have at least one argument representing an instance of the Module class:: >>> def other_fn(instance, x): ... # instance.some_module_attr(...) ... instance.encode ... ... >>> model.apply(variables, x, method=other_fn) If you pass a single ``PRNGKey``, Flax will use it to feed the ``'params'`` RNG stream. If you want to use a different RNG stream or need to use multiple streams, you can pass a dictionary mapping each RNG stream name to its corresponding ``PRNGKey`` to ``apply``. If ``self.make_rng(name)`` is called on an RNG stream name that isn't passed by the user, it will default to using the ``'params'`` RNG stream. Example:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x, add_noise=False): ... x = nn.Dense(16)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... ... if add_noise: ... # Add gaussian noise ... noise_key = self.make_rng('noise') ... x = x + jax.random.normal(noise_key, x.shape) ... ... return nn.Dense(1)(x) >>> x = jnp.empty((1, 7)) >>> module = Foo() >>> rngs = {'params': jax.random.key(0), 'noise': jax.random.key(1)} >>> variables = module.init(rngs, x) >>> out0 = module.apply(variables, x, add_noise=True, rngs=rngs) >>> rngs['noise'] = jax.random.key(0) >>> out1 = module.apply(variables, x, add_noise=True, rngs=rngs) >>> # different output (key(1) vs key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_raises(AssertionError, np.testing.assert_allclose, out0, out1) >>> del rngs['noise'] >>> # self.make_rng('noise') will default to using the 'params' RNG stream >>> out2 = module.apply(variables, x, add_noise=True, rngs=rngs) >>> # same output (key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(out1, out2) >>> # passing in a single key is equivalent to passing in {'params': key} >>> out3 = module.apply(variables, x, add_noise=True, rngs=jax.random.key(0)) >>> # same output (key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(out2, out3) Args: variables: A dictionary containing variables keyed by variable collections. See :mod:`flax.core.variables` for more details about variables. *args: Named arguments passed to the specified apply method. rngs: a dict of PRNGKeys to initialize the PRNG sequences. The "params" PRNG sequence is used to initialize parameters. method: A function to call apply on. This is generally a function in the module. If provided, applies this method. If not provided, applies the ``__call__`` method of the module. A string can also be provided to specify a method by name. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. capture_intermediates: If ``True``, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default, only the return values of all ``__call__`` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the specified apply method. Returns: If ``mutable`` is False, returns output. If any collections are mutable, returns ``(output, vars)``, where ``vars`` are is a dict of the modified collections. """ Module._module_checks(self) if rngs is not None and not isinstance(rngs, dict): if not core.scope._is_valid_rng(rngs): raise errors.InvalidRngError( 'RNGs should be of shape (2,) or PRNGKey in Module ' f'{self.__class__.__name__}, but rngs are: {rngs}' ) rngs = {'params': rngs} if isinstance(method, str): attribute_name = method method = getattr(self, attribute_name) if not callable(method): class_name = type(self).__name__ raise TypeError( f"'{class_name}.{attribute_name}' must be a callable, got" f' {type(method)}.' ) # if the `method` string is a submodule, we create a lambda function # that calls the submodule, forwarding all arguments. if isinstance(method, Module): method = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: getattr(self, attribute_name)( *args, **kwargs ) elif method is None: method = self.__call__ method = _get_unbound_fn(method) return apply( method, self, mutable=mutable, capture_intermediates=capture_intermediates, )(variables, *args, **kwargs, rngs=rngs)
[docs] @traceback_util.api_boundary def init_with_output( self, rngs: Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences], *args, method: Union[Callable[..., Any], str, None] = None, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[['Module', str], bool]] = False, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[Any, Union[FrozenVariableDict, Dict[str, Any]]]: """Initializes a module method with variables and returns output and modified variables. Args: rngs: The rngs for the variable collections. *args: Named arguments passed to the init function. method: An optional method. If provided, applies this method. If not provided, applies the ``__call__`` method. A string can also be provided to specify a method by name. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default, all collections except "intermediates" are mutable. capture_intermediates: If ``True``, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default only the return values of all ``__call__`` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the init function. Returns: ``(output, vars)``, where ``vars`` are is a dict of the modified collections. """ Module._module_checks(self) if not isinstance(rngs, dict): if not core.scope._is_valid_rng(rngs): raise errors.InvalidRngError( 'RNGs should be of shape (2,) or PRNGKey in Module ' f'{self.__class__.__name__}, but rngs are: {rngs}' ) rngs = {'params': rngs} if isinstance(method, str): attribute_name = method method = getattr(self, attribute_name) if not callable(method): class_name = type(self).__name__ raise TypeError( f"'{class_name}.{attribute_name}' must be a callable, got" f' {type(method)}.' ) elif method is None: method = self.__call__ method = _get_unbound_fn(method) return init_with_output( method, self, mutable=mutable, capture_intermediates=capture_intermediates, )(rngs, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @traceback_util.api_boundary def init( self, rngs: Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences], *args, method: Union[Callable[..., Any], str, None] = None, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[['Module', str], bool]] = False, **kwargs, ) -> Union[FrozenVariableDict, Dict[str, Any]]: """Initializes a module method with variables and returns modified variables. ``init`` takes as first argument either a single ``PRNGKey``, or a dictionary mapping variable collections names to their ``PRNGKeys``, and will call ``method`` (which is the module's ``__call__`` function by default) passing ``*args`` and ``**kwargs``, and returns a dictionary of initialized variables. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> import numpy as np >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x, train): ... x = nn.Dense(16)(x) ... x = nn.BatchNorm(use_running_average=not train)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... return nn.Dense(1)(x) >>> x = jnp.empty((1, 7)) >>> module = Foo() >>> key = jax.random.key(0) >>> variables = module.init(key, x, train=False) If you pass a single ``PRNGKey``, Flax will use it to feed the ``'params'`` RNG stream. If you want to use a different RNG stream or need to use multiple streams, you can pass a dictionary mapping each RNG stream name to its corresponding ``PRNGKey`` to ``init``. If ``self.make_rng(name)`` is called on an RNG stream name that isn't passed by the user, it will default to using the ``'params'`` RNG stream. Example:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(16)(x) ... x = nn.relu(x) ... ... other_variable = self.variable( ... 'other_collection', ... 'other_variable', ... lambda x: jax.random.normal(self.make_rng('other_rng'), x.shape), ... x, ... ) ... x = x + other_variable.value ... ... return nn.Dense(1)(x) >>> module = Foo() >>> rngs = {'params': jax.random.key(0), 'other_rng': jax.random.key(1)} >>> variables0 = module.init(rngs, x) >>> rngs['other_rng'] = jax.random.key(0) >>> variables1 = module.init(rngs, x) >>> # equivalent params (key(0)) >>> _ = jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... np.testing.assert_allclose, variables0['params'], variables1['params'] ... ) >>> # different other_variable (key(1) vs key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_raises( ... AssertionError, ... np.testing.assert_allclose, ... variables0['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... variables1['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... ) >>> del rngs['other_rng'] >>> # self.make_rng('other_rng') will default to using the 'params' RNG stream >>> variables2 = module.init(rngs, x) >>> # equivalent params (key(0)) >>> _ = jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... np.testing.assert_allclose, variables1['params'], variables2['params'] ... ) >>> # equivalent other_variable (key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose( ... variables1['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... variables2['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... ) >>> # passing in a single key is equivalent to passing in {'params': key} >>> variables3 = module.init(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> # equivalent params (key(0)) >>> _ = jax.tree_util.tree_map( ... np.testing.assert_allclose, variables2['params'], variables3['params'] ... ) >>> # equivalent other_variable (key(0)) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose( ... variables2['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... variables3['other_collection']['other_variable'], ... ) Jitting ``init`` initializes a model lazily using only the shapes of the provided arguments, and avoids computing the forward pass with actual values. Example:: >>> module = nn.Dense(1) >>> init_jit = jax.jit(module.init) >>> variables = init_jit(jax.random.key(0), x) ``init`` is a light wrapper over ``apply``, so other ``apply`` arguments like ``method``, ``mutable``, and ``capture_intermediates`` are also available. Args: rngs: The rngs for the variable collections. *args: Named arguments passed to the init function. method: An optional method. If provided, applies this method. If not provided, applies the ``__call__`` method. A string can also be provided to specify a method by name. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default all collections except "intermediates" are mutable. capture_intermediates: If ``True``, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default only the return values of all ``__call__`` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the init function. Returns: The initialized variable dict. """ Module._module_checks(self) _, v_out = self.init_with_output( rngs, *args, method=method, mutable=mutable, capture_intermediates=capture_intermediates, **kwargs, ) return v_out
[docs] @traceback_util.api_boundary def lazy_init( self, rngs: Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences], *args, method: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), **kwargs, ) -> FrozenVariableDict: """Initializes a module without computing on an actual input. lazy_init will initialize the variables without doing unnecessary compute. The input data should be passed as a ``jax.ShapeDtypeStruct`` which specifies the shape and dtype of the input but no concrete data. Example:: >>> model = nn.Dense(features=256) >>> variables = model.lazy_init( ... jax.random.key(0), jax.ShapeDtypeStruct((1, 128), jnp.float32)) The args and kwargs args passed to ``lazy_init`` can be a mix of concrete (jax arrays, scalars, bools) and abstract (ShapeDtypeStruct) values. Concrete values are only necessary for arguments that affect the initialization of variables. For example, the model might expect a keyword arg that enables/disables a subpart of the model. In this case, an explicit value (True/Flase) should be passed otherwise ``lazy_init`` cannot infer which variables should be initialized. Args: rngs: The rngs for the variable collections. *args: arguments passed to the init function. method: An optional method. If provided, applies this method. If not provided, applies the ``__call__`` method. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default all collections except "intermediates" are mutable. **kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to the init function. Returns: The initialized variable dict. """ Module._module_checks(self) def lazy_wrapper(rngs, *args, **kwargs): return self.init(rngs, *args, method=method, mutable=mutable, **kwargs) return partial_eval.lazy_init(lazy_wrapper)(rngs, *args, **kwargs)
@property def variables(self) -> VariableDict: """Returns the variables in this module.""" if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't access variables on unbound modules") return self.scope.variables()
[docs] def get_variable(self, col: str, name: str, default: Optional[T] = None) -> T: """Retrieves the value of a Variable. Args: col: the variable collection. name: the name of the variable. default: the default value to return if the variable does not exist in this scope. Returns: The value of the input variable, of the default value if the variable doesn't exist in this scope. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't access variables on unbound modules") return self.scope.get_variable(col, name, default)
[docs] def put_variable(self, col: str, name: str, value: Any): """Updates the value of the given variable if it is mutable, or an error otherwise. Args: col: the variable collection. name: the name of the variable. value: the new value of the variable. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't access variables on unbound modules") self.scope.put_variable(col, name, value)
@overload def sow(self, col: str, name: str, value: Any) -> bool: ... @overload def sow( self, col: str, name: str, value: T, reduce_fn: Callable[[K, T], K] = tuple_reduce, init_fn: Callable[[], K] = tuple_init, # type: ignore ) -> bool: ...
[docs] def sow( self, col: str, name: str, value: T, reduce_fn: Callable[[K, T], K] = tuple_reduce, init_fn: Callable[[], K] = tuple_init, # type: ignore ) -> bool: """Stores a value in a collection. Collections can be used to collect intermediate values without the overhead of explicitly passing a container through each Module call. If the target collection is not mutable ``sow`` behaves like a no-op and returns ``False``. Example:: >>> import jax >>> import jax.numpy as jnp >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... h = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... self.sow('intermediates', 'h', h) ... return nn.Dense(2)(h) >>> x = jnp.ones((16, 9)) >>> model = Foo() >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> y, state = model.apply(variables, x, mutable=['intermediates']) >>>, state['intermediates']) {'h': ((16, 4),)} By default the values are stored in a tuple and each stored value is appended at the end. This way all intermediates can be tracked when the same module is called multiple times. Alternatively, a custom init/reduce function can be passed:: >>> class Foo2(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... init_fn = lambda: 0 ... reduce_fn = lambda a, b: a + b ... self.sow('intermediates', 'h', x, ... init_fn=init_fn, reduce_fn=reduce_fn) ... self.sow('intermediates', 'h', x * 2, ... init_fn=init_fn, reduce_fn=reduce_fn) ... return x >>> x = jnp.ones((1, 1)) >>> model = Foo2() >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> y, state = model.apply( ... variables, x, mutable=['intermediates']) >>> print(state['intermediates']) {'h': Array([[3.]], dtype=float32)} Args: col: The name of the variable collection. name: The name of the variable. value: The value of the variable. reduce_fn: The function used to combine the existing value with the new value. The default is to append the value to a tuple. init_fn: For the first value stored, ``reduce_fn`` will be passed the result of ``init_fn`` together with the value to be stored. The default is an empty tuple. Returns: ``True`` if the value has been stored successfully, ``False`` otherwise. """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't store variables on unbound modules") if not self.scope.is_mutable_collection(col): return False if self.scope.has_variable(col, name): xs = self.scope.get_variable(col, name) else: self.scope.reserve(name, col) self._state.children[name] = col xs = init_fn() xs = reduce_fn(xs, value) self.scope.put_variable(col, name, xs) return True
[docs] def perturb( self, name: str, value: T, collection: str = 'perturbations' ) -> T: """Add an zero-value variable ('perturbation') to the intermediate value. The gradient of ``value`` would be the same as the gradient of this perturbation variable. Therefore, if you define your loss function with both params and perturbations as standalone arguments, you can get the intermediate gradients of ``value`` by running ``jax.grad`` on the perturbation argument. .. note:: This is an experimental API and may be tweaked later for better performance and usability. At its current stage, it creates extra dummy variables that occupies extra memory space. Use it only to debug gradients in training. Example:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... x = nn.Dense(3)(x) ... x = self.perturb('dense3', x) ... return nn.Dense(2)(x) >>> def loss(variables, inputs, targets): ... preds = model.apply(variables, inputs) ... return jnp.square(preds - targets).mean() >>> x = jnp.ones((2, 9)) >>> y = jnp.ones((2, 2)) >>> model = Foo() >>> variables = model.init(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> intm_grads = jax.grad(loss, argnums=0)(variables, x, y) >>> print(intm_grads['perturbations']['dense3']) [[-1.456924 -0.44332537 0.02422847] [-1.456924 -0.44332537 0.02422847]] If perturbations are not passed to ``apply``, ``perturb`` behaves like a no-op so you can easily disable the behavior when not needed:: >>> model.apply(variables, x) # works as expected Array([[-1.0980128 , -0.67961735], [-1.0980128 , -0.67961735]], dtype=float32) >>> model.apply({'params': variables['params']}, x) # behaves like a no-op Array([[-1.0980128 , -0.67961735], [-1.0980128 , -0.67961735]], dtype=float32) >>> intm_grads = jax.grad(loss, argnums=0)({'params': variables['params']}, x, y) >>> 'perturbations' not in intm_grads True """ if self.scope is None: raise ValueError("Can't store variables on unbound modules") if self.is_mutable_collection(collection): if not self.scope.has_variable(collection, name): self.scope.reserve(name, collection) self._state.children[name] = collection self.scope.put_variable(collection, name, jnp.zeros_like(value)) # type: ignore if collection in self.scope.root._variables: if self.scope.has_variable(collection, name): value += self.scope.get_variable(collection, name) # type: ignore else: raise ValueError(f"Perturbation collection {collection} present, but " f"missing perturbation variable {name}") return value
[docs] def tabulate( self, rngs: Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences], *args, depth: Optional[int] = None, show_repeated: bool = False, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), console_kwargs: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, table_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}), column_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType({}), compute_flops: bool = False, compute_vjp_flops: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> str: """Creates a summary of the Module represented as a table. This method has the same signature and internally calls ``Module.init``, but instead of returning the variables, it returns the string summarizing the Module in a table. ``tabulate`` uses ``jax.eval_shape`` to run the forward computation without consuming any FLOPs or allocating memory. Additional arguments can be passed into the ``console_kwargs`` argument, for example, ``{'width': 120}``. For a full list of ``console_kwargs`` arguments, see: Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... h = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... return nn.Dense(2)(h) >>> x = jnp.ones((16, 9)) >>> # print(Foo().tabulate( >>> # jax.random.key(0), x, compute_flops=True, compute_vjp_flops=True)) This gives the following output:: Foo Summary ┏━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ┃ path ┃ module ┃ inputs ┃ outputs ┃ flops ┃ vjp_flops ┃ params ┃ ┡━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩ │ │ Foo │ float32[16,9] │ float32[16,2] │ 1504 │ 4460 │ │ ├─────────┼────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────┼───────────┼─────────────────┤ │ Dense_0 │ Dense │ float32[16,9] │ float32[16,4] │ 1216 │ 3620 │ bias: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ float32[4] │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ kernel: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ float32[9,4] │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 40 (160 B) │ ├─────────┼────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────┼───────────┼─────────────────┤ │ Dense_1 │ Dense │ float32[16,4] │ float32[16,2] │ 288 │ 840 │ bias: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ float32[2] │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ kernel: │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ float32[4,2] │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ 10 (40 B) │ ├─────────┼────────┼───────────────┼───────────────┼───────┼───────────┼─────────────────┤ │ │ │ │ │ │ Total │ 50 (200 B) │ └─────────┴────────┴───────────────┴───────────────┴───────┴───────────┴─────────────────┘ Total Parameters: 50 (200 B) **Note**: rows order in the table does not represent execution order, instead it aligns with the order of keys in ``variables`` which are sorted alphabetically. **Note**: ``vjp_flops`` returns ``0`` if the module is not differentiable. Args: rngs: The rngs for the variable collections as passed to ``Module.init``. *args: The arguments to the forward computation. depth: controls how many submodule deep the summary can go. By default, its ``None`` which means no limit. If a submodule is not shown because of the depth limit, its parameter count and bytes will be added to the row of its first shown ancestor such that the sum of all rows always adds up to the total number of parameters of the Module. show_repeated: If ``True``, repeated calls to the same module will be shown in the table, otherwise only the first call will be shown. Default is ``False``. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default, all collections except 'intermediates' are mutable. console_kwargs: An optional dictionary with additional keyword arguments that are passed to ``rich.console.Console`` when rendering the table. Default arguments are ``{'force_terminal': True, 'force_jupyter': False}``. table_kwargs: An optional dictionary with additional keyword arguments that are passed to ``rich.table.Table`` constructor. column_kwargs: An optional dictionary with additional keyword arguments that are passed to ``rich.table.Table.add_column`` when adding columns to the table. compute_flops: whether to include a ``flops`` column in the table listing the estimated FLOPs cost of each module forward pass. Does incur actual on-device computation / compilation / memory allocation, but still introduces overhead for large modules (e.g. extra 20 seconds for a Stable Diffusion's UNet, whereas otherwise tabulation would finish in 5 seconds). compute_vjp_flops: whether to include a ``vjp_flops`` column in the table listing the estimated FLOPs cost of each module backward pass. Introduces a compute overhead of about 2-3X of ``compute_flops``. **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the forward computation. Returns: A string summarizing the Module. """ from flax.linen import summary tabulate_fn = summary.tabulate( self, rngs, depth=depth, show_repeated=show_repeated, mutable=mutable, console_kwargs=console_kwargs, table_kwargs=table_kwargs, column_kwargs=column_kwargs, compute_flops=compute_flops, compute_vjp_flops=compute_vjp_flops, ) return tabulate_fn(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def module_paths( self, rngs: Union[PRNGKey, RNGSequences], *args, show_repeated: bool = False, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), **kwargs, ) -> dict[str, 'Module']: """Returns a dictionary mapping module paths to module instances. This method has the same signature and internally calls ``Module.init``, but instead of returning the variables, it returns a dictionary mapping module paths to unbounded copies of module instances that were used at runtime. ``module_paths`` uses ``jax.eval_shape`` to run the forward computation without consuming any FLOPs or allocating memory. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> import jax, jax.numpy as jnp >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... @nn.compact ... def __call__(self, x): ... h = nn.Dense(4)(x) ... return nn.Dense(2)(h) >>> x = jnp.ones((16, 9)) >>> modules = Foo().module_paths(jax.random.key(0), x) >>> print({ ... p: type(m).__name__ for p, m in modules.items() ... }) {'': 'Foo', 'Dense_0': 'Dense', 'Dense_1': 'Dense'} Args: rngs: The rngs for the variable collections as passed to ``Module.init``. *args: The arguments to the forward computation. show_repeated: If ``True``, repeated calls to the same module will be shown in the table, otherwise only the first call will be shown. Default is ``False``. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default, all collections except 'intermediates' are mutable. **kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the forward computation. Returns: A dict`ionary mapping module paths to module instances. """ from flax.linen import summary table = summary._get_module_table( module=self, depth=None, show_repeated=show_repeated, compute_flops=False, compute_vjp_flops=False, )(rngs, *args, **kwargs, mutable=mutable) return {'/'.join(row.path): row.module_copy for row in table}
_ParentType = Union[Type[Module], Scope, Type[_Sentinel], None] def merge_param(name: str, a: Optional[T], b: Optional[T]) -> T: """Merges construction- and call-time argument. This is a utility for supporting a pattern where a Module hyperparameter can be passed either to ``__init__`` or ``__call__``, and the value that is not ``None`` will be used. Example:: >>> import flax.linen as nn >>> from typing import Optional >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... train: Optional[bool] = None ... def __call__(self, train: Optional[bool] = None): ... train = nn.merge_param('train', self.train, train) An error is thrown when both arguments are ``None`` or both values are not ``None``. Args: name: the name of the parameter. Used for error messages. a: option a b: option b Returns: a or b whichever is not ``None``. """ if a is None and b is None: raise ValueError( f'Parameter "{name}" must be passed to the constructor or at call time.' ) if a is not None and b is not None: raise ValueError( f'Parameter "{name}" was passed to the constructor and at call time.' ' Should be passed just once.' ) if a is None: assert b is not None return b return a
[docs]@traceback_util.api_boundary def apply( fn: Callable[..., Any], module: Module, mutable: CollectionFilter = False, capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[[Module, str], bool]] = False, ) -> Callable[..., Any]: """Creates an apply function to call ``fn`` with a bound module. Unlike ``Module.apply`` this function returns a new function with the signature ``(variables, *args, rngs=None, **kwargs) -> T`` where ``T`` is the return type of ``fn``. If ``mutable`` is not ``False`` the return type is a tuple where the second item is a ``FrozenDict`` with the mutated variables. The apply function that is returned can be directly composed with JAX transformations like ``jax.jit``:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... def encode(self, x): ... ... ... def decode(self, x): ... ... >>> def f(foo, x): ... z = foo.encode(x) ... y = foo.decode(z) ... # ... ... return y >>> variables = {} >>> foo = Foo() >>> f_jitted = jax.jit(nn.apply(f, foo)) >>> f_jitted(variables, jnp.ones((1, 3))) Args: fn: The function that should be applied. The first argument passed will be a module instance of the ``module`` with variables and RNGs bound to it. module: The ``Module`` that will be used to bind variables and RNGs to. The ``Module`` passed as the first argument to ``fn`` will be a clone of module. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. capture_intermediates: If ``True``, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default, only the return values of all `__call__` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. Returns: The apply function wrapping ``fn``. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def scope_fn(scope, *args, **kwargs): _context.capture_stack.append(capture_intermediates) try: return fn(module.clone(parent=scope, _deep_clone=True), *args, **kwargs) finally: _context.capture_stack.pop() if capture_intermediates is True: # pylint: disable=g-bool-id-comparison capture_intermediates = capture_call_intermediates if capture_intermediates: mutable = union_filters(mutable, 'intermediates') return core.apply(scope_fn, mutable=mutable)
[docs]@traceback_util.api_boundary def init_with_output( fn: Callable[..., Any], module: Module, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[[Module, str], bool]] = False, ) -> Callable[..., Tuple[Any, Union[FrozenVariableDict, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Creates an init function to call ``fn`` with a bound module that also returns the function outputs. Unlike ``Module.init_with_output`` this function returns a new function with the signature ``(rngs, *args, **kwargs) -> (T, variables)`` where ``T`` is the return type of ``fn``. The rngs can be a dict of PRNGKeys or a single ```PRNGKey`` which is equivalent to passing a dict with one PRNGKey with the name "params". The init function that is returned can be directly composed with JAX transformations like ``jax.jit``:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... def encode(self, x): ... ... ... def decode(self, x): ... ... >>> def f(foo, x): ... z = foo.encode(x) ... y = foo.decode(z) ... # ... ... return y >>> foo = Foo() >>> f_jitted = jax.jit(nn.init_with_output(f, foo)) >>> y, variables = f_jitted(jax.random.key(0), jnp.ones((1, 3))) Args: fn: The function that should be applied. The first argument passed will be a module instance of the ``module`` with variables and RNGs bound to it. module: The ``Module`` that will be used to bind variables and RNGs to. The ``Module`` passed as the first argument to ``fn`` will be a clone of module. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default, all collections except "intermediates" are mutable. capture_intermediates: If ``True``, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default, only the return values of all `__call__` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. Returns: The init function wrapping ``fn``. """ @functools.wraps(fn) def scope_fn(scope, *args, **kwargs): _context.capture_stack.append(capture_intermediates) try: return fn(module.clone(parent=scope, _deep_clone=True), *args, **kwargs) finally: _context.capture_stack.pop() if capture_intermediates is True: # pylint: disable=g-bool-id-comparison capture_intermediates = capture_call_intermediates if capture_intermediates: mutable = union_filters(mutable, 'intermediates') return core.init(scope_fn, mutable=mutable)
[docs]@traceback_util.api_boundary def init( fn: Callable[..., Any], module: Module, mutable: CollectionFilter = DenyList('intermediates'), capture_intermediates: Union[bool, Callable[[Module, str], bool]] = False, ) -> Callable[..., Union[FrozenVariableDict, Dict[str, Any]]]: """Creates an init function to call ``fn`` with a bound module. Unlike ``Module.init`` this function returns a new function with the signature ``(rngs, *args, **kwargs) -> variables``. The rngs can be a dict of PRNGKeys or a single ```PRNGKey`` which is equivalent to passing a dict with one PRNGKey with the name "params". The init function that is returned can be directly composed with JAX transformations like ``jax.jit``:: >>> class Foo(nn.Module): ... def encode(self, x): ... ... ... def decode(self, x): ... ... >>> def f(foo, x): ... z = foo.encode(x) ... y = foo.decode(z) ... # ... ... return y >>> foo = Foo() >>> f_jitted = jax.jit(nn.init(f, foo)) >>> variables = f_jitted(jax.random.key(0), jnp.ones((1, 3))) Args: fn: The function that should be applied. The first argument passed will be a module instance of the ``module`` with variables and RNGs bound to it. module: The ``Module`` that will be used to bind variables and RNGs to. The ``Module`` passed as the first argument to ``fn`` will be a clone of module. mutable: Can be bool, str, or list. Specifies which collections should be treated as mutable: ``bool``: all/no collections are mutable. ``str``: The name of a single mutable collection. ``list``: A list of names of mutable collections. By default, all collections except "intermediates" are mutable. capture_intermediates: If `True`, captures intermediate return values of all Modules inside the "intermediates" collection. By default, only the return values of all `__call__` methods are stored. A function can be passed to change the filter behavior. The filter function takes the Module instance and method name and returns a bool indicating whether the output of that method invocation should be stored. Returns: The init function wrapping ``fn``. """ init_fn = init_with_output(fn, module, mutable, capture_intermediates) @functools.wraps(init_fn) def init_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return init_fn(*args, **kwargs)[1] return init_wrapper
# TODO(cgarciae): we are defining CompactNameScope just to # avoid a pytype bug with the Flax overlay. We should aim to # remove in the at some point as its not ergonomic. if not typing.TYPE_CHECKING: class CompactNameScope(Module): fn: Callable module_fn: Callable[[], Module] @compact def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: return self.fn(self.module_fn(), *args, **kwargs) else: @dataclasses.dataclass class CompactNameScope: fn: Callable module_fn: Callable name: str def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...